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About Us

Refreshed Reformed Refined R3 IncRefreshed Reformed Refined R3 Inc

Refreshed Reformed Refined R3 Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting currently and formerly incarcerated citizens. Our work is centered around our name. We are restoring, reforming, and refining individuals and families impacted by criminal and social justice systems. We strive to serve the community by creating a blueprint that reduces recidivism and changes generational patterns through empowerment and support.

Our work was born out of personal necessity. Our loved ones and members of our community were returning home from incarceration without resources and skills to avoid recidivism. We want to provide support and broker services to ensure they are able to be productive citizens.

Nuestro trabajo nació de una necesidad personal. Nuestros seres queridos y miembros de nuestro comunidad regresaban a casa del encarcelamiento sin recursos ni habilidades para evitar reincidencia. Queremos proporcionar apoyo y servicios de intermediación para garantizar que puedan ser ciudadanos productivos.

Sobre nosotros

Refreshed Reformed Refined R3 Inc. es una organización sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a ayudar a los ciudadanos actuales y anteriormente encarcelados. Nuestro trabajo se centra alrededor de nuestro nombre. Estamos restaurando, reformando y refinando a los individuales y a las familias que han sido impactados por los sistemas criminal y justicia social. Queremos servir la comunidad por la creación de un plan que reduce reincidencia y cambia patrones generacionales a través del empodermiento y apoyo.

Vision of R3 Inc.

To assist adult and juvenile offenders/former offenders reintegrate into the community by implementing services to address education, employment, parole/probation, housing, family restorations, and provide necessary support to avoid recidivism.

Ayudar a los delincuentes adultos y menores/antiguos delincuentes a reintegrarse en la comunidad mediante implementar servicios para abordar la educación, el empleo, la libertad condicional/libertad condicional, la vivienda, la familia restauraciones y proporcionar los apoyos necesarios para evitar la reincidencia.

Mission Statement

To assist juvenile and adult offenders in adopting attitudes for success, to address mental and medical health needs, gain employment, find educational opportunities, and connect with social resources through direct services and mentoring to meet their needs.

Ayudar a los delincuentes juveniles y adultos a adoptar actitudes para el éxito, abordar problemas mentales y necesidades médicas de salud, obtener empleo, encontrar oportunidades educativas y conectarse con la sociedad recursos a través de servicios directos y tutoría para satisfacer sus necesidades

Real Testimonials

I want to thank you and your organization for all the many efforts you make for Inmates. It is very consoling to know there is a group such as yours to help when we need a hand on the outside.  The research, we need for motions and re-entry, your contacts given to us to help with re-entry, and the reassurance that someone is on the outside that cares enough to sometimes just listen to our frustrations of the loneliness and cruelties put upon us.  You are appreciated and needed.  I am out now, but I know so many that are still incarcerated who have your contact info when they need help.

You are a BLESSING,

Former Maxwell FPC Resident

Hi there,

I was released from Aliceville federal prison in December 2020 when R3 Inc. helped me with returning to society. They had already set up a free government cell phone for my use. They had assisted me with receiving my stimulus check from the government. Most importantly they gave me a fresh start with clothes for my civilian life. Without a doubt I would not have been prepared to return home without their help.

C. Anderson 

I’m delighted to write this testimony on behalf of R3 Inc. During my quest to be released from incarceration R3 Inc. was instrumental in providing support to my wife and aunt. Without their assistance I would not be home today with my family. I’m more than grateful and thankful for their guidance and assistance. 

Barbara Jackson- Director

A native of Birmingham holds two master’s degrees in Criminal Justice and Public Administration from Walden University. She isBarbara Jackson- Director the former Director of International and Scholar Services at The University of Southern Mississippi. There she was instrumental in providing guidance in the field of International Education for over eighteen years. She is currently the Human Services and Outreach Coordinator, for the Oaks of Justice. At Oaks, she works to relieve hardships for families impacted by incarceration.  She works hard to advocate for the containment of relationships between family and their incarcerated loved ones.

God has gifted her with the purpose to help others. Her gifts are evident through her service with others. Her purpose is seen as she works to dismantle broken systems.  She works within the community with multiple organizations to advocate change at the local, state, and federal levels. In her spare time, she enjoys baking and creating meals for her family.

Bárbara Jackson – Directora

Ella es una nativa de Birmingham, Alabama. Tiene dos meastrías en Justicia Penal y Administación de la Universidad de Walden. Ella es la ex-Directora de Servicios Internacionales y Académicos de la Universidad de Southern Mississippi. Ella proporcionó apoyo en el área de la educación internacional por más de 18 años. En este momento ella es la Coordinadora de Human Services and Outreach para Oaks of Justice. En Oaks, ella trabaja para aliviar las dificultades de las familias afectadas por el encarcelamiento. Trabaja para abogar la contención de las relaciones entre la familia y sus seres queridos encarcelados.

Ha recibido un regalo de Dios con el propósito de ayudar a otros. Sus regalos son evidentes a través de su servicios con los demás. Su propósito ha visto mientras trabaja demantelar los sistemas rotos. Ella trabaja adentro de la comunidad con muchas organizaciones para abogar por un cambo a los niveles local, estatal y federal. En su tiempo libre, le gusta horenar y preparer comidas para su familia.


Aileesha Collier - Community Management Coordinator

Aileesha Collier - Community Management CoordinatorAileesha Collier a Birmingham native is one of the best researchers in the state of Alabama. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. She has a keen ability to pay attention to detail and dig deep into the trenches and find important data of great significance that is of grand importance with promoting activism and change. Because of her intuitiveness, she is often called upon for her ability to find data and information that helps to bring focus to policy strategies and legislative advocacy.

She is a great speaker and does not hesitate to fight for the currently and formerly incarcerated citizens.  She has the pleasure of serving with multiple organizations to advocate for change through transformative justice. Aileesha volunteers to help with Youth Athletic Association in her spare time.

Aileesha Collier- Coordinadora de Gestión Comunitaria

Ella es una native de Birmingham, Alabama. Es una de las mejores investigadores del estado de Alabama. Tiene un licenciatura de Administración de Empresas. Tiene una gran capacidad para prestart atención a los detalles y trabaja duro para encontrar datos importantes y de gran importancia que son importantes para promover el activismo y el cambio. A causa de su intuición, a menudo, algunos busca su abilidad encontrar los datos y la información necesaria para las estrategias de políticas y la defense legislative.

Es una gran orador y no duda en luchar por los ciudadanos actualmente y anteriormente encarcelados. Tiene el placer de servir con muchas organizaciones para abogar por el cambio a través de la justicia transformadora. Aileesha se ofrece como voluntaria con Youth Athletic Association cuando tiene tiempo libre. 


Olivia Morgan - Pioneer in Justice Reform

Olivia Morgan - Pioneer in Justice ReformOlivia Morgan created a Sociological Research and Implementation Program for the U.S. Department of Justice/ Bureau of Prisons to reduce the federal institutions' overcrowding, ease the exorbitant costs to taxpayers to maintain these individuals, and relieve social, economic, and physical impacts on inmates' families during incarceration.  This project required earning a doctorate in sociology and currently completing a Masters' in Conflict Resolution. As the owner of Medview Medical Company, it created the opportunity for the creation and patenting of 4 medical products/devices.  She continues her work by assisting those who are currently and formerly incarcerated. In her spare time, she enjoys working to create innovative new products.

Olivia Morgan – Pionera de Reforma de la Justicia

Olivia Morgran creó un Programa de Investigació e Implementación Sociológica para el Departamento de Justicia de los EE.UU./Oficina de Prisiones para reducir la superpoblación, aliviar los costos exorbitantes para los contribuyentes para cuidar a los prisioneros y aliviar los impactos sociales, económicos y físicos en las familias durante en encarcelamiento. Este proyecto requería obtener un doctorado en sociología y completer una Maestrí en Resolución de Conflictos. Como la dueña de Medview Medical Company, creó la oprtunidad de la creación y patentar de cuatros productos medicos. Continúa su trabajo ayudando a quienes están actualmente y anteriormente encarcelados. En su tiempo libro, le gusta trabajar para crear productos nuevos e innovadores.

Lourdes Whitt – Coordinator of Multicultural Engagements

She is a native of Honduras.  She arrived in America over 30 years ago to pursue the American dream.  She is the mother of four and proudly wears the title of grandmother.  She is bilingual and speaks Spanish and English.  

Her interest in Criminal Justice Reform derives from her first-hand experience.  She was involved with her husband’s fight for release from the Federal Bureau of Prisons.  She is a seasoned Human Resource Employee Recruiter.  She loves fashion and owns Diva Boutique.

Lourdes Whitt- Coordinadora de Compromisos Multiculturales

Ella es una native de Honduras. Llegó a los Estados Unidos hace más de 30 años para perseguir el sueño Americano. Es madre de cuatro hijos y también el título de abuela. Es bilingüe y habla español e inglés. Su interés en la reforma de la justicia penal deriva de su experiencia personal. Ella luchó por la liberación de su esposo de la Oficina Federal de Prisiones. Ella tiene mucha experiencia en la reclutadora de empleados de recursos humanos. Le encanta la moda y es la dueña de Diva Boutique. 



Advisory Board

Wanda Boley - Community Liaison Officer

Wanda Boley - Community Liaison OfficerWanda is a lifelong community advocate.  She relocated to Birmingham, Alabama following Hurricane Katrina.  Her range of professional work extends from grass root movements to corporate restructuring. She has a noted reputation for working as a connector and broker between communities and organizations.

Wanda currently serves women and children in the local Marks Village Community.  She has an in-depth understanding of the social, cultural, and moral values of diverse populations. Wanda’s lived experience makes her a phenomenal asset to R3 Inc.  Her service goal is to empower individuals and families to live their very best life. She is always the first to step up and jump into action.  Wanda is a wife, daughter, sister, cousin, and friend. Her expressed slogan is, “I will forever allow God to use me to His glory.” In her free time, she shares her cuisine with people who enjoy good food.


Wanda Boley – Oficial de Enlace Comunitario

Wanda en una defensora comunitaria de toda la vida. Se mudó a Birmingham, Alabama después del Huracán Katrina. Su trabajo profesional se extiende desde movimientos de base hasta reestructuraciones corporativas. Tiene una reputación por trabajar como concetora e intermediaria entre comunidades y organizaciones.

Wanda sirve a las mujeres y a los niños en la comunidad local e Marks Village. Tiene un conociemiento profundo de los valores sociales, culturales, y morales de populaciones diversas. La experiencia vivida de Wanda la hace una active fenomenal para R3 Inc. Su objetivo de servicio es empoderar a las personas y familias para vivir su mejor vida. Siempre es la primera en dar su tiempo para ayudar y entrar en acción. Wanda es una esposa, hija, hermana, prima, y amigo. Su lema es: “Permitiré para siempre que Dios me use para Su Gloria.” En su tiempo libre, le gusta compartir su comida con personas que disfrutan de buena comida.